There is more to Social Media Marketing than just posting all the time to your various Social Media accounts. A LOT more!
People don't check Social Media to see what brands, your brand included, are posting. They check their Social Media feeds to see what their long distance relatives are doing. What their old school mates are up to and of course to watch funny animal videos.
However. Social Media Marketing is an effective medium to get your brand's message seen by your target audience.
Having said that -- Here are a few common mistakes we see happen on Social Media all the time from brands trying to have a good overall Social Media Presence.
Many brands try to bombard their audience with sales pitches all the time. This is a HUGE mistake in the Social Media World. It's too easy for your audience to simply ignore them or even worse, block your brand all together.
People turn to Social Media to have easy and direct access to their favorite brands. Responding in a timely manner can be the difference in having a brand loyal customer to a digital voice with a 24/7 platform to denounce your business to anyone with an account.
Just because there are dozens of Social Media platforms out there doesn't mean your brand needs to be on all of them. Determine who your target audience is, where they spend their time and on which platforms they are active. Being on the correct platforms is far more important that trying to have a presence on them all.
There are tons of shortcuts available for desperate or impatient social media marketers, but as a general rule, any tactic purported to be a shortcut will likely cost you more time than it will save. For example, some social media marketing service providers guarantee a certain number of followers or promise fast results after a relatively short period of time. These should be warning signs that the agency is using black hat or spam-like tactics to get more traffic to your social profiles.